Project Management


At the beginning of a project, Petrichor makes sure to define those unique items each client values, that determine what a successful project is for them. Those items become touchstones that guide actions and decision making. An overarching project management plan is developed using touchstones as guiding principles.

Pre-Plan / Due Diligence

Every project has a unique set of existing conditions. Investing early to quantify what those conditions are informs a projects pro forma. A go/no-go decision can be reached before expectations are misinformed- wasting valuable time and money. Explorations can include analysis of: regulatory, environmental, infrastructure, cultural, civil, building systems, building envelope, accessibility and sustainability. Conceptual programming and layout are performed to verify big picture feasibility. A first generation budget and schedule are generated to define expectations. These are universal concerns for every owner. Petrichor will advise what project delivery method makes sense for that particular owners objectives, plus soliciting and hiring the design and construction teams.


The programming, design, and pre-construction processes take place. Detailed programming refines and clarify’s the Owners objectives. Design, from concept through construction documents tests and re-tests the Owners desired outcome, as more information is added from consultants, regulatory agencies, refined engineering, constructability reviews, procurement analysis, and financing methods. Cycles of design and budget analysis are repeatedly tested until a fit clicks in to place, and a GMP is established. Permitting is completed to allow the beginning of construction. Petrichor gets knee deep in reviewing, analyzing, and providing recommendations for the outputs of the various entities to guide these processes to completion.


Construction takes advantage of all the planning and budgeting efforts in design and pre-construction, and transforms them to a physical product. Petrichor monitors construction activities with weekly site inspections, and attendance at OAC meetings. Problem anticipation and solving is a focused daily activity. Reviewing budget, schedule, rfi’s, change logs, submittals, special inspection reports, FF&E progress, and meeting minutes are standard processes. Monthly reports are generated that indicate the status of the project as measured against the project objectives.

Completion / Warranty

The completion of a project is a process that requires diligence and concerted effort. The last 5% of the job requires a disproportionate amount of effort. Petrichor is aware of the conditions near the end of a project and manages by having a track tested close out procedure. First is attainment of a stocking TCO, a TCO, and finally a CO. Commissioning starts as early as possible, and is integrally tied to the level of LEED certification desired. Punch lists are relentlessly pursued to completion. Operations people are instructed how to use their new systems. Operations and maintenance manuals are turned over. Record documents are released. A protocol for warranty issues is defined and people are assigned. Settlement of contracts are run to ground. Retainage is released as conditions warrant. Final payment is made.